Asso.Safe Foundation opera, in the exclusive pursuit of social solidarity purposes, to spread the culture of safety in the workplace, through educational activities, dissemination and training.

It operates throughout the Italian territory with multiple offices and a qualified network of professionals and professionals.

Cristina Obber, she is a writer, journalist and trainer. Among the latest publications “And me here, naked” (Seventh ed.) ed “It was just a selfie” (Piemme ed). She is part of the GiULiA journalists network. He edited the column L’Altalena in the magazine "The voice of women" of Soroptimist International Italia You write for "La 27esima ora" of Corriere della Sera. .


Pink telephone it is an important national reality, engaged for more than thirty years in supporting the victims of violence and promoting a culture of respect. Through their own experience and with professionals enrolled in the trainers register of the Lazio Region, it has organized numerous training courses to recognize violence, held through projects financed both by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and by the Lazio Region. They were directed to INAIL officials, to officials of the Ministries, to the health workers of the ER (Sant’Andrea Hospitals, Fatebenebratelli, Casilino Polyclinic, Tor Vergata), to the operators of the ASL of various Lazio municipalities.
The Telefono Rosa also guarantees support where abuses and harassment occur and can provide updates and legal advice on the new regulations that are constantly evolving in the field of harassment and discrimination in the workplace..

Together we are a guarantee of competence, seriousness and experience.

Our collaboration starts from the actualization of the concept of safety, which is not limited to the physical integrity of the person but also to the psychological and intimate one.

The workplace must be a place to enter willingly, where to feel safe from harassment and discrimination and from all those situations of malaise that also compromise professional permormance.

TO BE SAFE marks a step forward towards a culture of respect for human rights.